28 JUL 2011 by ideonexus
The Disparity Between Mothers and Fathers in Raising Chil...
Women spend a whopping 39 hours per week performing work related to child care. Today’s dad spends about half that—21.7 hours a week. This is usually couched as good news, too, for it is triple the amount of time guys spent with kids in the ’60s. Yet no one would call this equal, either. It is also still true that about 40 percent of dads spend two hours or less per workday with their kids, and 14 percent spend less than an hour. This imbalance in workload—along with financial confl...If a Mother were paid for the hours she put into childcare, she would make a six-figure salary.
28 JUL 2011 by ideonexus
Most Marriages Degrade After a Child is Born
A bracingly cold glass of water was thrown on this Eisenhoweresque perception by famed sociologist E.E. LeMasters. In 1957, he published a research paper showing that 83 percent of new parents experienced a moderate to severe crisis in the marriage during the transition to parenthood. These parents became increasingly hostile toward each other in the first year of the baby’s life. The majority were having a hard time. [...] There is hope. We know four of the most important sources of mari...But recognizing the characteristics that cause stress in the relationship can help things.